Barbarian Invasions

Barbarians Begin to Take Over the Empire

     The Roman military hired and recruited barbarians for the Roman Army because Romans 

were unwilling to joing. As a result, there were more Germans in the army and less Roman
soldiers. In fact, the barbarians were able to be in control of the army because there
were so many in the army compared to the Romans. The Roman army was inadequate in repelling
the barbarian invasions, and there was a decline in discipline in the army. The army was
unorganized because the borders of the Western Half were longer and harder to defend. This was
a disadvantage for the Romans, but an advantage for the barbarians.

     The barbarians started to take advantage of the unorganized army. They began to infiltrate 

the empire, first in small groups, then in larger masses. The barbarians realized the importance
of the army and used it for their advantage. Different barbaric tribes begin to attack the empire. The Romans
suffered many lossed, which further decreased the morale among soldiers. The Roman army weren't
able to destroy the barbarians that were attacking, and they couldn't keep other tribes out.

     The Roman Empire were pressured by the Huns in the east, and were unable to defend against 

them as they sacked Rome. The empire began to be invaded by the Germanic Tribes, and several
cities were sacked. This went on for many years, from Fourth Century to Fifth Century. Finally,
in AD 410, the last Roman emperor was overthrown, and the Western Empire falls to the barbarians

     Below is a map of the invasions of the Western Empire. It shows where the barbarians 

attacked and when. It also shows the extent of Christianity in 500 AD.
