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Community Redvelopment Alliance of San Bernardino
P.O. Box 512       Patton, California       92404

We Need Your Help!

Please consider making a donation

The Community Redevelopment Alliance of San Bernardino (CRA) is a non-profit 501 c3 organization formed as a cooperative effort between the Wildwood Park, Arrowhead Suburban Farms, and Kendall Hills Neighborhood Cluster Associations in San Bernardino. We are working together in beautification and revitalization projects in our community.

One of these projects is an ambitious proposal to improve the old railroad right-of-way on Electric Avenue (Pacific Electric Arrowhead Hot Springs Line)with a landscaped greenbelt and historic site. We are suggesting the name “Electric Avenue Heritage Park,” for the future park, as it will not only represent the history of the railway, but will also reflect the rich and fascinating overall history of our community - which includes tales of early settlers to our area, and Native American and pioneer legends of the famous mark of the arrowhead.

The new park will dramatically improve the area – transforming an unsightly, barren strip of land into a beautiful area of grass and trees that will be pleasant to see and walk along every day. The park will include a pathway from 40th Street to Northpark Boulevard, and this will greatly improve safety, especially where Hillside Elementary School students cross at 50th Street. Today, sidewalks are severely lacking along Electric Avenue and something must be done. A greenbelt may be the solution we need.

The project continues to gain wide support from local residents and the City of San Bernardino. It will be a long-term effort, but we are working hard to one day make this dream a reality. With your help, we will see this through.

Local history and railway enthusiasts, please support an effort to preserve and commemorate a former Pacific Electric line!

If you would like to make a donation, please send a check or money order to:

Community Redevelopment Alliance of San Bernardino
P.O. Box 512
Patton, CA 92369-0512

If you have any questions, contact Christian Tobar, CRA Vice President, at You may also write to the address above. The Community Redevelopment Alliance of San Bernardino is a California non-profit corporation. We are working cooporatively with the City of San Bernardino on the Electric Avenue Heritage Park project. This can be verified by contacting Kevin Hawkins, Director of San Bernardino Parks, Recreation, and Community Services, or San Bernardino City Council member Neil Derry at (909) 384-5188.

Of course, non-monetary contributions are also always welcome! If you have items of historic interest - such as maps, old photographs, Pacific Electric Railway items, etc. which you would like to donate or share, please let us know! We would also love to hear any suggestions or expertise you can offer. This is a community effort, and any helpful input is greatly appreciated.

We would like to thank those who have already made donations for the Electric Avenue Heritage Park Project:

Armen Nercissiantz - Proprietor, Express Market (Electric Avenue and Northpark Blvd).

Quiel Brothers Sign Company - donation of temporary signs on Electric Avenue
Mark Snell
David Warren, Jr.
Wildwood Park Neighborhood Cluster Assocation residents

Resource Contributors:

The following people have contributed to the project with their time, expertise, or donation of historical items. (This is no less important!) Many others have helped with this project, and we apologize if anyone is not named here. Any ommision is accidental. Names listed here are in alphabetical order.

George Angelini - Help with historical research, located and shared his knowledge of local Pacific Electric Railway stations and former rights-of-way.

Nicholas Cataldo - Member of Board of Directors, San Bernardino Historical and Pioneer Society. Extensive help with historical research - donated or helped to locate maps, land records, and photographs, and wrote numerous articles pertaining to local history.

Dave Frevele - Help with historical research, including locating rare land records.

Richard Pope, Richard Pope and Associates Landscape Architect. Richard Pope and his staff continue to very generously offer their time and services (including making professional architect plans!) for free. Needless to say, if we had to hire an architect for the counsultation and services Mr. Pope has already pro bono given us for Electric Avenue Heritage Park, we could not afford it.

Harry Marnell - Moderator of Yahoo online message board TrolleysCA. Extensive help with historical research.

Craig Rasmussen - shared extensive collection of rare photographs of the Arrowhead Hot Springs Line, from the era of about 1912-1955.

Richard Wilkens - shared many photographs of the Arrowhead Line taken in 1960.