ODAS[Ocean Data Acquisition System]  BUOY

bullet These buoys are placed in prominent locations, and transmit data on Sea Conditions and Meteorological Conditions from their respective locations.
bullet They carry instruments/devices.
bullet Devices are either in the float or slung beneath them to any depth.
bullet Buoys are either moored or drifting.


Moored buoys

bullet They are colored yellow, marked "ODAS" with an identification number and carrying a small plate showing whom to inform if the buoy is recovered.
bullet Moored buoys may be as much as 12m in diameter and 2-3m in height, up to 18T in weights.
bullet May be anchored any parts of ocean irrespective of depth.
bullet Carry visible aerials.
bullet Show flashing yellow light, 5 flashes every 20s.
bullet As far as possible, position of moored buoys are widely promulgated and charted if of permanent nature.
bullet They are to be given wide berth of 1 mile, 2.5 miles by vessels towing underwater gears.

Figure: ODAS buoy


Drifting buoys

bullet About 0.75m in diameter, 2m from top to bottom.
bullet Do not exhibit lights.
bullet Do not carry visible aerials.


Source: The mariner's handbook NP-100.


Updated: 29 Sep 2007