updated 8/14/03


A chair that can climb up stairs? Johnson & Johnson thinks they have one!

That's not all it can do! It can "stand up" on two wheels- balancing itself instantly and automatically, according to the manufacturer. And rough terrain and curbs can be traversed "while keeping the seated user level and balanced".

Availability? Coming very soon- the FDA has just approved it but delivery won't sart at least until the end of the year. Price? Just under thirty thousand dollars.

A few restrictions have been placed on sales, including special training of the user who must pass a "drivers test" before delivery. Those unable to safely control the chair will not be allowed to own/drive one. Concerns about the user being able to make correct decisions about where to drive it will be part of the test.

While the chair can go up stairs, it obviously still has limits on where it will fit, and the ability of the structure it is going up to be able to take the combined weight of the chair and user.

Don't expect to see this chair in your dealer's showroom. It will be sold and serviced directly by the company in order to control all phases of training, service, etc. It was rumored that the chair really won't be "sold", but rather "leased", with title of the chair always in the name of the manufacturer.

For more information, visit the special web site that Johnson & Johnson has set up at:

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