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The United States of America

Welcome to the United States of America, the "land of the free and home of the brave".

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The USA's People
The people of the United States are very diverse.  The people come from many different cultures and backgrounds and practice many different religions.  The American people are dedicated to the pursuit of happiness and freedoms of speech and religion.

Children go to public school from age 5 to 18.  The average school day is seven hours long with a 45 minute lunch and recess break.  Most high school graduates go on to study at a college or university.

The USA's Homes
There are many different types of houses in the United States.  People live in single family homes, apartments, townhouses (or rowhouses), mobile homes, and even igloos in Alaska.

The USA's Culture
The United States, which is also referred to as America, is made up of many diverse cultures, religions, and races.  In recent years it has become especially important to celebrate these differences in the cultures and to acknowledge that it is these distinct differences that make America unique and special.

Music is everywhere in the United States.   One special kind of music that is typically American is called Jazz.    Jazz music has been strongly influenced by the music of Africa.

Electronic media is an important part of culture in the United States.  Television, movies, music, and video games take up a great amount of American's free time.

Native Americans had lived in America for many centuries before it was discovered.  Gradually, settlers from mostly Europe and Mexico populated the lands and drove off the Native Americans from the lands where they had lived for many thousands of years.  Even though Native Americans were the first people to live on the land of The United States, the Native American population is only 1% of the total population of the country.   Many state and city names come from Native American words.   For example, Mississippi comes from the word misi which means big and sipi which means river.

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The USA's Foods
Some favorite foods that Americans like to eat include hamburgers, French fries, and a soda such as Coca-Cola or Pepsi.  In some areas of the United States people refer to Coke or Pepsi as a soft drink or soda pop.   Pizza is another favorite among Americans.  Ethnic foods such as Mexican and Chinese are also very popular.  The diverse population of people living in the United States has brought many different foods to this country.
The USA's Activities
Baseball is often referred to as the American National pastime.   Many Americans also play or enjoy watching football, soccer, hockey and basketball.   Girls as well as boys are involved in many sports in the United States.

The USA's Animals
The northwestern states are home to grizzly bears, elk, and deer.   Southern states are home to crocodiles and snakes.  Northeastern states have many opossum, raccoon, rabbits, skunk and deer in the forests.  There are many different climates and ecosystems in the United States that each hold a unique variety of animals and plants.

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The USA's Holidays and Celebrations 
Thanksgiving is celebrated on November 29th.   It is a time to give thanks for the harvest.  The holiday was started in the 1600's with the Pilgrims who first came to America.  President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863.

On Thanksgiving it is tradition to celebrate with a big meal.  Most Americans serve turkey or ham, cranberry sauce, potatoes, corn, and pumpkin pie as well as many other foods.  Families usually try to have Thanksgiving together.

The USA's Land
The United States is made up of many cities, suburbs, and smaller towns.  Big cities can be found in every state.  The cities, states, and regions of the United States often have unique landmarks, foods, celebrations, and dialects that make them different from other areas of this vast nation.

It is usually cooler in the north and warmer in the south.  Most of the United States goes through four seasonal changes: winter, spring, summer, and fall.

The USA's Cities and Landmarks
The Statue of Liberty was a special gift that was given to the United States by the country of France.  The statue is located on a small island off the coast of New York and New Jersey.  The statue has been a symbol of freedom to Americans since it welcomed many immigrants on their way in to Ellis Island.

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j0189571.jpg (48537 bytes) The USA's Facts:
Area: 3,536,341 sq. miles
Capital City: Washington, DC
Population: 272 million
Main Language: English
Currency: US Dollar
Industries: leading industrial power in the world, highly diversified and technologically advanced; petroleum, steel, motor vehicles, aerospace, telecommunications, chemicals, electronics, food processing, consumer goods, lumber, mining


All images from Microsoft Office Clip Art and Gallery licensed through Microsoft Front Page and Microsoft.
EMJ Kids,

Graham, Leland and Brandon, Traci.  A Trip Around the World.   North Carolina: Carson-Dellosa Publishing Company,  1996.
Graham, Leland and Brandon, Traci.  Another Trip Around the World.   North Carolina: Carson-Dellosa Publishing Company,  1996.
Adams, Ganeri, and Kay.  The DK Geography of the World.  New York: DK Publishing,  1996.

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